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Not much known of his background, but he was either acquainted with Tsukasa, or he was famous enough for Tsukasa to know him. He also learned how to use a spear at some point in his life before he was petrified.


Vs. Hyoga Arc

Hyoga was broken out of his stone form by Tsukasa to form the Tsukasa Empire. He shows off his skill after the men were skeptical of his strength. Hyoga and Tsukasa spoke about the world, agreeing that it can't sustain billions of humans in its current state.

Hyoga and some members of the Empire of Might attack Ishigami Village. Hyoga easily overwhelms the guard Kinro, however, his group were forced to retreat because of Senku creating a firearm illusion and Gen warning them of the alleged gun threat. Hyoga was amazed to actually meet the still living Senku and by the fact that he created a firearm to combat Tsukasa. [1]

Tsukasa's warriors are angered at the unexpected retreat, while Gen suggests they attack the village during a storm to eliminate the possible threat of guns. Hyoga warns them that since they know Senku is alive, they need to plan the assault carefully and regroup with the main army as they could be going into another trap otherwise. He is then called out by the rest of the warriors who think that he's scared and can't fight properly without the hollowed-spear technique he uses as he's not very muscular. This prompts Gen to inspect the spear, only to be threatened by Hyoga unless he lets go of it immediately. Hyoga thinks to himself that using present warriors as fodder is fine, as long as it gives a clue on the Kingdom of Science's strength.[2]

As the Kingdom of Science shows off their newly crafted katanas, Hyoga's men are quickly losing morale to fight them with less efficient weapons. Hyoga scolds his group for giving up even before engaging them into a fight and claims his spearmanship won't lose to the katana. He counters all of the 5 warriors from the Ishigami Village, Kohaku noting his tremendous strength to be far different from the rest of the group.

He is quickly informed by Gen that the strongest warriors in the village are Kohaku, Magma and Kinro and that once Hyoga defeats the three of them victory is guaranteed. Hyoga receives this and says the information was fairly obvious to conclude. Magma rushes in to fight him but is once again swiftly defeated, as Kohaku jumps into the air to attack him from above. Hyoga anticipates this and returns the strike right at Kohaku's abdomen by twisting his spear at the base with a fulcrum which thereby increases the circular motion of the spear - effectively making Kohaku unable to observe the spear's position. Before making contact however, his spear's tip breaks apart.

Hyoga remembers Gen tampering with his spear and observes that the cut on the weapon was precise, small and very hard to see - almost like a magic trick. He accuses Gen of being a traitor, which the latter confirms.[3]

Hyoga's group decided to take a captive in the form of Suika but were blocked off after they came into paths of poison gas. Senku and Kohaku collected Suika while taking creating for the gas' creation. Wanting to test the theory, Hyoga kicked his lackeys into the gas and they died, confirming the gas was real.

Communications Arc

Hyoga takes part in the battle with the Kingdom of Science.

Hyoga battles Kohaku who initiated a rematch but he was able to overcome her. However, the battle was stopped after Senku creates dynamite and forces Tsukasa to surrender.

After Tsukasa's sister, Mirai is recovered, Hyoga assaults Mirai while claiming that he had no chance in a fair fight with Tsukasa unless he had someone to protect. Tsukasa steps in to protect Mirai, being pierced with Hyoga's spear instead of his sister.

As Senku rushes to grab a falling Tsukasa's hand, Hyoga pushes them both of a cliff into the river, following them until the reach the shore. He then states to Senku that he has planned for the current of the river to carry a wounded Tsukasa and him to a secluded spot so he could have a conversation with him alone, threatening him with torture if Senku does not comply.

Hyoga then claims that the initial petrificaiton phenomenon which happened thousands of years ago was for the purpose to purge humanity - only those who excel and are competent enough to survive have the right to live. As Senku disagrees with Hyouga's philosophy, Hyoga begins to threaten Senku with torture unless he accepts his proposal to join him.

While the supposedly panicked Senku attempts to throw stones at him, Hyouga scorns him for being a coward, not realizing the stones are petrified birds on which Senku used miracle fluid prior to throwing them. In a brief moment of confusion, he gets assaulted by Tsukasa.

After Senku and Tsukasa team up in order to beat Hyoga, he says he will not be giving them time to organize a plan while "chatting" and swiftly attacks them. While clashing, Senku and Tsukasa goad him into a gunpowder trail, igniting it while Hyoga stands on it, but to no avail as the latter quickly neutralizes it with his spear. Senku then threatens to take Hyoga down with "just one fingertip" to which Hyoga responds by calling it a bluff and striking him.

Tsukasa engages Hyoga once again as Senku is pushed aside from the strike. Hyoga eventually overpowers Tsukasa and inquires why the latter is still fighting - Tsukasa saying that it was fun having a short-term alliance with Senku and that it was worth spending his last moments for. As Hyoga prepares to finish Tsukasa off, Senku reveals two wires protruding out of his fingers that are fueled by manganese batteries. Tsukasa then quickly grabs Hyoga's spear to immobilize him for enough time for Senku to electrocute him, knocking him out and ultimately defeating him.

Treasure Island Arc

He and Homura are still imprisoned onboard the Perseus, but were petrified off-screen by Kirisame.

Senku lets Hyoga out to aid him in fighting Mozu and Ibara. Seeing that he is strong, Hyoga deduces Mozu is why he was freed. Hyoga weighs his options to either destroy or side with Senku. Mozu attempts to get him on his side, planning to kill him later, but Hyoga chooses to side with the Kingdom of Science instead.[4]

Mozu goes on to fight Hyoga, after failing sway him into allying with him. In the fight, Mozu noted Hyoga was the first warrior to get him to struggle. In the end, Hyoga defeated Mozu when he used the Kan Style with Kinro's spear. When the island was being engulfed in petrifaction, Hyoga remarked that the others see him and Mozu as dangerous and its unlikely they'd be freed. However, Hyoga promised if they are that they would spar again. He, along with Mozu and everyone else (but Senku) on the island was petrified by Ibara. [5]

New America City Arc

Hyoga is revived by Senku at Tsukasa's request to teach the Kingdom of Science's fighters modern weapon fighting techniques. He gives Tsukasa a tense glare after seeing he's still alive before he agrees to do this on the condition that he gets to revive Homura and Mozu. [6]

Very soon, the ship reached land and Hyoga was pleased with this.[7]

When the Perseus arrives in San Francisco, the warrior team follows the exploration crew. Soon alligators attack, though Hyoga and the other warriors defeat the beasts, they soon use the Alligator meat to restock on supplies. Hyoga is exceptionally pleased with the hamburgers that François made from them. [8]

At night, when Tsukasa senses a bloodlust and a smell of gun smoke somewhere hidden, Hyoga remembered the trail of kernel that kept floating downstream, bobbing along down the river. He soon realizes that there's an enemy luring the Science Kingdom into his trap, causing Tsukasa to alert Hyoga and everyone else to retreat and take cover inside the boat before the enemy shot with a machine gun on them.[9]

The group then flee the scene being pursued by the attacker who is revealed to have built an aircraft. When Yo desperately tries to shoot the plane, Hyoga tells him it's pointless and a waste of ammo. Hyoga then watched Senku have Kirisame bring down the ship, before they procure the downed plane.[10]

Hyoga was chosen as part of a exhibition team in combating Dr. Xeno alongside Suika, Tsukasa and Ukyo. [11]


  1. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 46
  2. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 47
  3. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 48
  4. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 130
  5. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 134
  6. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 146
  7. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 147
  8. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 148, Pages 14 -19
  9. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 149
  10. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 150
  11. Dr. Stone Manga: Chapter 153