Season 2 of the Dr. Stone anime was announced in the 3rd issue of the 2019 Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, it began airing in Japan on January 14, 2021. A direct sequel to Season 1, this season covered the events of the Stone Wars Saga. It ran for a single cour.[2] The season is available for streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Apple TV, Prime Video, Microsoft Movies and TV, and Google TV.
Modern society is lost when a mysterious light leaves everyone petrified in stone! Thousands of years in the future, super genius Senku awakens and begins restoring civilization with his Kingdom of Science. Now as he sets down blueprints for a smartphone in the stone world, Tsukasa and his Empire of Might prepare for the upcoming war. Who will be the victor in the fight for humanity?
- Director: Shinya Iino
- Script Writer: Yuichiro Kido
- Composer:
- Main article: List of Episodes
Story Arc | # of Episodes | Original Air Date |
Stone Wars Saga | 11 (Episodes 25 to 35) | January 14, 2021 - March 24, 2021 |
Opening Themes[]
- Episodes 1-11: 「Paradise」 by Fujifabric
Ending Themes[]
- Episode 1-11: 「Voice?」 by Hatena