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Science Transcends Life ( () (がく) 生命 (いのち) () えて Kagaku wa Inochi o Koete) is the one hundred and ninetieth chapter of the Dr. Stone manga.


The chapter begins with Gen watching Ryusui get shot, screaming, then making a white flag out of his sash. The flag gets shot down immediately. Down the back of the fort, Kaseki and Senku are watching the diamonds go up in flames, without having been able to repair the Petrification Weapon. Kaseki laments he couldn't take a single step towards the future. Chrome tells him not to doubt himself, just as they receive a call from Corn City.

There, we see Joel testing his petrification device in a wine glass, toasting to himself. Over the phone, he thanks Kaseki for his help in figuring out how the diamonds worked. A flashback shows Brody receiving Francois's message about splitting into two teams, allowing Joel to make the same discovery about the cleavage planes as Kaseki. It is also revealed that Joel's watch is a sort of wiretap similar to the earring from the Treasure Island Arc, and that he's been trading information with the other group on how to build the diamond batteries.

Back at Fort Medusa, Kaseki weeps with relief that all his life's work wasn't for nothing, and that even if everyone is dead, science will find a way to transcend lives and build into the future.

The call presumably cuts off as Brody grabs and crushes Joel's wine glass in his hand, taking the petrification device away and smashing the phone. Brody then locks the device away in a huge safe as it's a "nasty weapon" that must be accounted for. Guns are pointed at the power team in Corn City as this happens.

Kaseki regrets that he couldn't congratulate Joel, but Gen points out that the Americans probably don't have a radio right now thanks to Kohaku, Tsukasa and Hyoga's sacrifice and by how aggressively they're being attacked. They send a message to Corn City in Japanese, with Brody trying to prevent them finding out about it. Joel hears it and asks someone to quickly translate, with Minami leaning her ear to his wrist, making him blush.

The message they receive seems to be a request for a full-force, suicidal attack to take over Corn City, with everyone leaping into action, determination and grins plastered over their faces. From behind the fighters, Joel wonders what drives them and gives them faith, and concludes he wants too wants to live so that he can toast his victory alongside Kaseki.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Chapter Notes[]

  • The Americans aren't taking prisoners or surrenders.
  • Joel calls the South America team to tell them he managed to get the petrification device working.
    • Joel's wristwatch is actually a listening device.
    • Francois' message to Corn City was a clue for Joel about how to complete the medusa.
  • Brody takes the medusa and locks it inside a vault.
  • Gen realizes that the Americans' transceiver was probably destroyed by Kohaku and the others, so the hostage power balance is in the Kingdom's favor.
  • Senku sends a message to Corn City telling them to fight, which they do.


  • Gen only cries from the eye without the painted-on petrification scar, presumably to avoid smudging it.
  • In the final scene, Kirisame leaps ahead of the group. As a clever censoring, Nikki is pointing ahead as the attack happens.

Site Navigation[]

[v  e]
Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567Extras
Volume 2 89101112131416Extras
Volume 3 17181519202122232425Extras
Volume 4 262728293031323334Extras
Volume 5 353637383940414243Extras
Volume 6 444546474849505152Extras
Volume 7 535455565758596061Extras
Volume 8 626364656667686970Extras
Volume 9 717273747576777879Extras
Volume 10 808182838485868788Extras
Volume 11 899091929394959697Extras
Volume 12 9899100101102103104105106Extras
Volume 13 107108109110111112113114115Extras
Volume 14 116117118119120121122123124Extras
Volume 15 125126127128129130131132133Extras
Volume 16 134135136137138139140141142Extras
Volume 17 143144145146147148149150151Extras
Volume 18 152153154155156157158159160Extras
Volume 19 161162163164165166167168169Extras
Volume 20 170171172173174175176177178Extras
Volume 21 179180181182183184185186187Extras
Volume 22 188189190191192193194195196Extras
Volume 23 197198199200201202203204205Extras
Volume 24 206207208209210211212213214Extras
Volume 25 215216217218219220221222223Extras
Volume 26 224225226227228229230231232Extras
Volume 27 Terraforming4D Science: 14D Science: 24D Science: 3
[v  e]
Story Arcs
Prologue Saga
Stone Formula Arc
Chapters 1234
Episodes 12
Vs. Tsukasa Arc
Chapters 56789101112
Episodes 345
Ishigami Village Saga
Kingdom of Science Arc
Chapters 131415161718192021222324252627282930313233
Episodes 5678910111213
Village Games Arc
Chapters 34353637383940
Episodes 131415
Village Origins Arc
Chapters 4142434445
Episodes 1617
Stone Wars Saga
Vs. Hyoga Arc
Chapters 4647484950
Episodes 1819
Communications Arc
Chapters 5152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182
Episodes 20212223242526272829303132333435
Source of the Petrification Saga
Age of Exploration Arc
Chapters 8384858687888990919293949596979899 100
Episodes 35Ryusui3637383940
Treasure Island Arc
Chapters 101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138
Episodes 4142434445464748495051525354
The Truth of the Petrification Saga
New America City Arc
Chapters 139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169
Episodes 555657
South America Arc
Chapters 170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193
New Stone World Arc
Chapters 194195196197198199200
Globetrotting Arc
Chapters 201202203204205206207208209210211212
Stone to Space Saga
Moon Mission Arc
Chapters 213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232