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Double Ace in the Hole (切り札二枚 Kirifuda Ni-mai) is the 108th chapter of the Dr. Stone manga.


In a flashback, Kirisame attacks the crew of the Perseus, throwing a mysterious object from her pouch. Ukyo diverts the object, which goes off above the ship, turning the crew to stone. Ryusui is able to save Suika, tasking her with telling the story of the attack. Ginro, underwater at the time, also manages to survive the attack, and hides in a barrel.

In the present, Ginro exposes himself after hearing Kohaku's cry, much to the disappointment of the recon team. Another more skilled survivor would have been more useful in obtaining the lab.

Minister Ibara detects movement aboard the ship, but is distracted before finding Ginro. The distraction was caused by Suika, now hiding in the greenhouse. As Suika's a master of infiltration, Senku's confident that she'll be able to rescue the lab along with Ginro.

Characters in Order of Appearance

Chapter Notes

  • The attack on the ship is seen.
  • Suika also survived thanks to Ryusui kicking her away.


  • The "SSR" (for super super rare) on the gacha cards is replaced by "GG" (= gesu gesu = sleaze sleaze) for Ginro, because everyone always calls him sleazy. [1]


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